A total of seven club records were set/broken at the end of indoor season Worcester shoot on 27th April 2012 at John Ashby Sports Hall. Pam Joseph set a new Ladies Compound Record of 269, Robyn Stevens a Ladies Flatbow at 92, Susan Corless a Ladies Recurve of 277, Beryl Tabberner, a Ladies of Barebow 75, Oliver De Sousa a Junior Gents under 14 Flatbow of 73, Jacob Lovell a Junior Gents under 16 Recurve of 195 and Lizzie Lovell a Junior Ladies under 14 Recurve of 148. Paul Bond narrowly missed a Gents Recurve Record. He scored a great 291, the current record is a phenomenal 293 held by Ian Webb from 1984, the county record being 294 held by Dean Edwards. Well done – great shooting by NAC.
- 252 Badges are up for grabs…
- Our First Western at the Sywell Range.