If you wish to join Northampton Archery Club, and recently attended a Beginners Course, you can use the form below to apply.
Current costs are shown below – Please note that the costs cover your membership until 30th September 2025.
We would prefer you to pay by Bank Transfer to Northampton Archery Club direct via BACS instead of renewing via Archery Gb so we can track who’s renewed as members quicker, therefore keeping shooting consistent between renewals.
You can of course renew via ArcheryGB if you prefer. If you renew via us as a club (BACS), You will need to provide us with a unique reference number so that we can recognize your application from the bank account (see form below).
This could be your surname followed by “memb”. But the choice is yours – but please contact us if you are unsure! We are here to help.
BACS/Bank Payments to NAC
Your BACS payment should be made within 24 hours of your online application below whenever possible.
Please transfer you payment(s) through to our main club account detailed below via BACS
The NAC bank details are: Account number 00337608 Sort code 30-96-09
Please be aware that you will not receive an automated e-mail response to your application or payment via BACS. You may therefore wish to take a screenshot of this for your records whilst awaiting a response from us to confirm your payment, please do! – We shall email you within 48 hours of payments being transferred.
If you make any errors in your application after submitting your form, they can easily be corrected by emailing our membership secretary.
Membership is subject to NAC rules and constitution and the Rules of Shooting as published by Archery GB.
Membership Costs for Renewing Member’s 2024-25
NAC renewing member fees Oct 24 -Sept 25 < opens link
The costs quoted are effective for those joining until 30th September 2025. Fees for 2024 / 2025 here (opens new page)
Cost Breakdown: If you join NAC (or other clubs) you will need to pay affiliation fees, membership fees and shooting fees … as explained in the link above
Affiliation fees to ArcheryGB, the regional archery association (EMAS) and the county archery association (NCAS). We have no control over these fees which are a requirement to cover national and county benefits, magazine and insurance. The relevant prices for these affiliation fees are shown above.
Please Submit Your Membership Application Using The Form Below
Please make sure your payment reference is identifiable (otherwise we have to track down who’s paid us without any references!)
If you are paying on someone else’s behalf and your PAYEE details are different to the members name, please let us know – a quick email is enough.
NAC will transfer the registration money for any NAC members applying via this form to Archery GB via a club only portal / CRM. You will then be emailed by Archery GB confirming your payment, membership number, renewal reminders annually and any subscribed newsletters etc – if you are unsure please email us and we can help explain things better.
FAQs re membership options with Northampton Archery Club
The various options with our N.A.C. membership which need some explanation depending on where you want to shoot and when you want to shoot (see below)
Additional Outdoor Venue – BBOB (not included as standard)
What is BBOB? BBOB is the Boys Brigade Old Boys Rugby Club at St. Andrews Road, Northampton. This is an almost 24/7 outdoor shooting site our club has access to. To use this site you need to pay an additional fee – please enquire via membership@northamptonarchery.co.uk .
There is an additional shooting fee to cover use at BBOB that you have to opt into. You can pay to shoot each time at BBOB for £3 per session if you don’t think you’ll use it that often. It is open for experienced archers only or beginners with another experienced member leading the session.
What is disabled membership? If you are registered as disabled or have additional accessibility needs you can claim a reduced membership fee. Disability is described as: “an impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to carry out normal archery activities” by archerygb. We do not ask for evidence of this and rely on the honesty of applicants.
What is pre pay membership? Members have the option to pre pay for shooting at our club venues for a fixed fee for the year, and if they choose this option they would not need to pay any other session shooting fees. It is best for regular archers who aim to attend for more than one session a week and at multiple venues.
Session Shooting fees – for each archery session you shoot/attend at a venue there is a small additional Pay As You Go fee from all members (unless they have pre paid the annual membership amount) which is collected at the end of each month by our treasurer. It is payable by BACS or cash. We use the booking in sheets to record who has shot where and when each month to keep track.
Please note – This is in addition to your annual membership free that you renew with ArcheryGB ie £88 per senior membership or £17 per junior membership. This PAYG shooting fee is to cover the cost of the venue hire, equipment and repairs by the club – all of which can be found in our treasurers report in our AGM.
Fees for 2024 / 2025 here (opens new page)
Data Protection and keeping up to date with AGB News.
“When you become a member of or renew your membership with Northampton Archery Club you will automatically be registered as a member of Archery GB and the relevant County and Region. We will provide Archery GB with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (https://agb.sport80.com/) which, among other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings.
If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with Archery GB, please contact gdpr@archerygb.org . ”
You can read the Northampton Archery Club Privacy Policy here.
Would you like to hear about AGB’s latest news including its quarterly magazine, ways in which you can support the organization and membership benefits available? If so please use the checkboxes regarding keeping up to date with AGB News. NAC will keep your details safe, and you can unsubscribe or change your preferences at https://agb.Sport80.com
If you have any queries on membership matters or would like a paper application, please contact our Membership Secretary, by email – membership@northamptonarchery.co.uk
Once we have acknowledged receipt of your payment for membership and application, you will be a member of NAC and can shoot with us.
If you require a temporary Archery GB membership card until you receive one through the post (or email) in order to shoot at other Clubs, please contact our Membership Secretary.