10 New Club Records Plus a New County Record

There have been 10 new club records and one county record since our last update in December. The following is a brief rundown (which is in no set order) –

Tina King (senior ladies Barebow – Portsmouth – 228), Kirsty Stephenson (senior ladies Longbow-Portsmouth – 186), Susan Corless (senior ladies recurve Portsmouth 495), Daniel Watt (sen gents compound Portsmouth 571), Leigh Masters (sen gent Flatbow Portsmouth 359), Robyn Stevens (junior ladies flatbow Portsmouth 227), Jacob Lovell (junior gents recurve Portsmouth 478), David Quemby (senior gents compound – Triple Portsmouth 1677, Double Portsmouth 1117, Double Worcester 591).

David Quemby’s Triple Portsmouth Score also sets a new county record.

Well done to all of you – and keep the records coming. The records can be viewed here