The first of our indoor series of club Portsmouth competitions got under way on Saturday 25th November at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton. Entries for the event came flooding in very quickly and the membership turned out in force to take part. There are four shoots in the series and members use their best three scores to get their rankings for the trophies at the end of the season. The next shoot takes places on 16th December before our Christmas Party.
Target Days
NAC Open Nationals Tournament 21st August 2016
Entry Forms for the 6th NAC Open Nationals Tournament on 21st August are now available. This event is to be held at our great Sywell Range with club house and a field width shelter to protect you and your kit in between ends. Don’t miss this shoot.
Another Great Pete Kenny Memorial Tournament
We had another almost full turnout for the 2016 Pete Kenny Memorial Shoot on Saturday 6th February at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton, with some brilliant scores from our archers. As usual the round was a Worcester, and the competition was followed by the presentation of Trophies and medals in the College cafeteria. Well done to all who shot.
Wind and Rain doesn’t put off archers at the NAC Open
Despite strong winds in the morning and torrential rain in the afternoon, archers were not daunted at the NAC Open Nationals Tournament held at Sywell Range on Saturday 23rd August. Although shooting conditions were pretty bad all day, shooters wore smiles throughout and a great day was had. Eight county clubs were represented at the event and we are sure the day will be remembered by most, but not really for the reasons we would usually like. Results have been published here . Photos will be published on our Galleries page. A big thank you to all who shot or otherwise supported the shoot in any way.
Sidney Cato Memorial Series – Round 1 – 6th June 2015
The new outdoor Sidney Cato Memorial Series of shoots kicked off on Saturday 6th June at Sywell. The day was quite warm, but very gusty – which made shooting interesting. Although entrants were slightly down on the usual numbers, due to various commitments elsewhere, the day was a great success with what appears to be at least a couple of club records being set. For some, this was their first outdoor competition and it was great to see participants taking brave steps forward at the longer distances. Well done. These are the results.
NAC Annual Open Portsmouth Competition – Sunday 22nd March 2015
Northampton Archery Club’s Annual Portsmouth Competition is to be held on Sunday 22nd March 2015 at the John Ashby Sports Hall at Moulton College, Northampton. There will be two sessions at 10am and 1pm. Entry fees are £8 for single and £14 for the double round. This shoot is very popular and is being held at a great venue. Entry form here.