Replacement Gazebo

Many of you will remember that at the Hollowell Steam Rally last year we were hit by a freak storm which damaged our Gazebo beyond repair resulting in the weekend being totally lost. As such we were then relying of the generosity of members who lent us equipment so that we could fulfill our commitments for the rest of the outdoor season in particular the Have A Go sessions which result in a lot of interest and new members.

We are pleased to announce that we now have a replacement gazebo which is 8 x 3 mts, which can also be reduced in size to a 4 x 3 for smaller events. As such the gazebo could be used for other functions and parties which could earn us a small income at other times of the year.

Today 3 members arrived at Sywell for a test “erection” so we could familiarise ourselves with the set up procedure in readiness for this years Hollowell Steam Rally. When the time comes we shall of course contact members as we need volunteers for the Hollowell weekends activities. In the meantime I would like to thank Roger Johnson and Steve Gibson for there assistance today.



It’s arrived at last!

DSC_0331Anyone who has used the Sywell shooting range over the last season and this one understands how difficult it has been to access and store all the equipment we require for general shooting. The previous committee were well aware of the need to find additional storage and plans have been in place for a long time to place another container alongside the old one. The summer last year being so wet and the autumm was no better followed by a long cold winter had severely hampered all attempts to site the planned new container. The groundwork was completed during the late Autumn months in preparation but with the ground being so soft delivery was impossible. Fortunately over the last month or so the ground has dried out sufficiently to enable a “H’ G’ Vehicle” to deliver the new container and this Saturday several of us were on site “early” to witness the delivery of the container.

With the additional storage space we plan to store bosses and stands and general shooting equipment in one container and then we can store all the necessary equipment required for “Have a Goes” “B,B Q’s” and Special Events equipment in the second container. Special thanks go out to Dave Quemby who was charged with sourcing the container and to IanP (me) for organizing the groundwork and of course to all who assisted today. This is yet another chapter in our history which should allow us to grow even more.

NAC National Rounds Open Shoot August 2013

We are happy to announce that we are now accepting entries for this years NAC Outdoor Open Shoot.

The format will again be the full range of National rounds with both morning and afternoon sessions taking place (or enter both sessions for a double round!)

If you would like to enter the entry form can be found here

We look forward to seeing you there!

Our First Western at the Sywell Range.


On Saturday 1st June the NAC hosted it’s first “Western”  competition at our Sywell range. The competition was very well attended as can be seen in the picture above. For most of our members this was their first opportunity to shoot a “Western” round and the members enjoyed it.immensely. Shown in the above picture are our members who are being briefed by Dave Quemby and alongside Dave is our competition judge for the day and our senior coach Mr Peter Bond. But here comes the best bit, the rain gods had been replaced by the sun gods as we all enjoyed the pleasant weather throughout the day..Thanks go out to all who attended and those who helped on the day.

Results can be found -> here <-
