NAC’s AGM was held last night (27th May 2014) at Carlsberg Social Club, Northampton. There was a good turnout by members and the meeting proceeded at a fair pace. Reports were received from the committee and elections of officers then held. Our thanks sincerely go to those who both were re-elected and those that stood down; and in particular Pam Joseph, our chairperson who retired last night. Pam was at the helm for the last two years and her enthusiasm has been an example to us all. Sarah Fowler-Jardine now takes over. The work put in by committee members we know can be both very time consuming and at times quite stressful, but all this work is done out of passion for NAC. It was indeed unfortunate that due to commitments elsewhere the committee lost some members, but the new team will forge on with taking the Club forwards. The list of the new committee members can be found on our Committee and Contacts page.
- Outdoor Season Events for the N.A.C.
- Summer Target Days have great start