We Have Made A Start!

A group of volunteers attended one evening during the week at the new /  latest venue for the Northampton Archery Club.. Their task was to mark out the field in readiness for the targets being staked to the ground sometime over the weekend..  

On Sunday 11th August 2103 another group of volunteers gathered at the Field of Dreams, (Nickname) to begin the work of erecting the first 4 permanently sited targets stands and bosses in the section known as Area 2 on the plan discussed  at the EGM. (A copy of the plan and proposed shooting times are on show at Sywell)

Two more stands are to be made and erected at a later date and a container should be on site during next week.

On completion of the first 4 stand / bosses, I was given the privilege of shooting the first few arrows as a reward for organising the volunteers and making the new stands etc.DSC_0025

May I say a big thank you to all who attended on either of the two visits, some members were good enough to make both dates and the help is really appreciated. Officially you will be notified as and when shooting can start on the site as more work is planned in the shorterm so a “mail shot” should be distributed by our Secretary soon confirming the start date..

Information will be available within the container once it is sited and the running rules must be followed expecially the placement of safety notices prior to any shooting taking place (Notices are required to satisfy the Risk Assessment and information which has been forwarded to Archery GB)

Furthermore on Area 1 a register for “arrows” (number at start versus number at finish) will be available within the container as a lost arrow within the public standing areas will be “critical” and any such lost arrows must be found or reported officially as “lost” to the committee or the site management team or both. We are relying on “trust”with arrows for a lost arrow causing injury to a third party could seriously effect the use of that area.

So once again a big thank you to all who assisted in anyway way with the preparation work . I will add a couple of “shots” to mark the occasion. 
