Proud Trophy Winners of the NAC Portsmouth series 2012-13
The presentation of some great new trophies and medals took place on Saturday 30th March 2013 for the shooters with the best two scores in their classes for the 2012-13 NAC Portsmouth Series. Archers convened to the cafeteria at Moulton College for the ceremony, after shooting at John Ashby that morning; and clearly everyone was pleased with the stylish awards. Congratulations to not only those who received an award on the day, but to all those who have improved their own personal performances over the season. It would be fair to say that this year many archers have done extremely well with sharpening up their shooting skills; and our thanks go particularly to our regular coaches – Peter Bond, Paul Barrett and Leigh Masters who have guided us with our techniques, gently pointed out the errors of our ways and praised us when we get it right. We’re sure that things will only get better. Thanks to Neville for the photo.