Members of NAC smashed their target of shooting 10,000 arrows in 24 hours at Carlsberg Sports and Social Club on 23rd/24th March. The shoot started off at 10pm on the Friday and at 4.07 pm on the Saturday the magic arrow was shot, leaving another 6 hours of aiming. At the close of play at 10pm a total of 12,617 arrows had been slammed into the targets. Early indications are that sponsorship money raised could be in excess of £1,500 to £2,000 for Sport Relief. A great effort and lots of hard work and organising by many members of the Club. Our thanks also to the many kind-hearted folk and groups who have donated to or sponsored the event.
- Deaglan enters club records and 4 other records set
- NAC Outdoor Season Starts with a “Ping”