NAC beaten by Uni of Northampton in Portsmouth Challenge

Photo – thanks to Nicol Parajova (UON)

NAC was beaten by the University of Northampton Archery Team (Stallions) at a Portsmouth shoot held at Everdon Hall on 14th April 2018. The teams – consisting of 12 archers – had to shoot against each archer’s personal best. The personal best score was deducted from 600 resulting in a handicap which was then added to final actual scores. This overcame the issues of  different bow styles, gender and age categories, and made for a less cluttered final array of positions.

Victorious Monika poses – watched on by a perplexed James of NAC. Photo – thanks to Nicol Parajova (UON)

The overall individual winner was barebow archer Monika Prchalova of UON with a calculated score of 622, an actual score of 481 – beating her previous personal best of 451. NAC’s best archer of the day was barebow archer, Paul Walters, with a final calculated score of 615, beating his previous best of 425 by 15 points. He took third position having been beaten by Kelly Brown – barebow archer of UON. The team result showed a similar picture, with UON’s top three archers of Monika, Kelly and Hetty O’Donaghue achieving a score of 1848 against NAC’s Paul Waters, Andy Hiscocks and Paul Dwyer score of 1790. The ladies ruled the day!

After the shoot everyone convened to the students bar for a good lunch and presentation of medals. The event was brilliant fun, competitive, but relaxed – with some flamboyance! Thanks to Caroline Chant (NAC and UON member) for organising and judging the event and  to Nicol Parajova for taking some great pictures soon to be published on our web-site. The full results can be found here. Perhaps NAC will do better next year in a further Uni Challenge.

NAC Open Portsmouth 25th February 2018 – Entry Form

Entries are now invited for the Northampton Archery Club’s Open Portsmouth competition to be held on Sunday 25th February 2018 at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton College, Northampton. The event at this great venue has become popular over the years and the Club’s competitive but friendly atmosphere always ensures a great day.

Full details can be found on the NAC web-site along with an on line entry form (preferred option) together with a downloadable paper entry form. Any questions should go to Tony Chung, our Competitions Officer, .

Portsmouth Series 2017 gets under way

The first of our indoor series of club Portsmouth competitions got under way on Saturday 25th November at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton. Entries for the event came flooding in very quickly and the membership turned out in force to take part. There are four shoots in the series and members use their best three scores to get their rankings for the trophies at the end of the season. The next shoot takes places on 16th December before our Christmas Party.

Halloween Ping Tatty Bogle 2017 – Brilliant!

Our​ ​ annual​ ​ Halloween Ping Tatty Bogle Fun​ Shoot​ ​ took​ ​ place​ ​ at​ ​ Sywell​ ​ on​ ​ 28th​ ​ October 2017.​ ​ There was a​ great​ ​ turnout​ ​ of both ​ adults and​ ​ juniors – many of whom had not shot at pumpkins in the dark before!  A splendid time was had by all.  Dave​ ​ Stephens​, our Chairman,  ​ was​ ​ master​ ​ in​ ​ charge​ ​ of scoring.  Congratulations​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ winners​ ​ – ​ ​ Charlie​ ​ Boddington,​ ​ Rebecca​ ​ Stevens,​ ​ Mark​ ​ Dalley​ ​ and Beryl​ ​ Tabberner.
A​ ​ big​ ​ thank​ ​ you​ ​ to​ ​ all​ ​ ​ involved​ ​ in​ ​ making​ ​ this​ ​ shoot​ such ​ a great​ ​ success – a lot of hard work and well worth it!​ ​ (SC)

Another Great Inter-Club Challenge

Well done to all who shot in the Interclub Challenge, run outdoors this season between four clubs in the County. Northampton AC came third overall, and it was great to see archers shooting rounds they had never tried before. 22 archers from NAC took part.
After the American round (Round 1) at Wellingborough we were down in 4th place, behind the leaders, Long Buckby AC, with Wellingborough OAC 2nd and Kettering AC in 3rd. Mick Lovell was our top scorer with 646, coming 3rd overall behind two Compound archers, so great shooting from Mick.
The Field shoot at Daventry (Round 2) was hosted by LBAC. Here we did a lot better and came first with 260 points in front of LBAC, with KAC in 3rd and WOAC in 4th. This raised us to 3rd overall, only 4 points behind 2nd place. Dave Quemby shot the highest score of the day with a 193.
The Clout, Round 3, saw NAC in 2nd place behind KAC, LBAC in 3rd and WOAC in 4th. This left us still in 3rd place overall – now 28 points behind second place, and 412 points behind first place. NAC’s young Hazel Dalley, showed up all the Northampton crew by shooting the highest score for the team with 103, which was 8th overall and maybe a county record. Excellent shooting Hazel.
In the final round – the Pope Young, at our home ground – Sywell, Northampton AC did well coming in 2nd – 253 points behind Kettering, the winners of this round. LBAC were in 3rd and WOAC in 4th. There was outstanding shoot from NAC’s top shooter for the day – Paul Walters with a score of 156 – 2nd overall by 2 points.
In the final reckoning the archers from Kettering shot extremely well and took the Top Spot by only 23 points, with the overall positions:
First – Kettering 6284, Second – Long Buckby 6261, Third – Northampton 6003 and Fourth – Wellingborough 5216, Congratulations to Kettering. It was an excellent series and everyone enjoyed the fun of the challenge. Look out for next years, hope you will enter again. Thanks to Dave Q for the write up.


Great News for NAC Archers

  • Congratulations go to NAC Junior Compound Archer, George Bond who has been selected to represent the County for the first time at “The Sydney Bond Tournament’  to be held on Sunday 23rd July 2017 at Lincoln Archers,  Washingborough, Lincoln. He will be shooting Bristol Rounds at this Record Status Shoot. All the best George.
  • In the meantime at  The Archery GB National Series – Stage 3 hosted by the County of Surrey Archery Association  at Kingston University, Surrey from 08-07-2017 to 8-07-2017, Susan Corless senior compound  of our Club  won stage 3, and is now sitting 3rd in the overall rankings – there are two more stages to go. Well done Susan.